Waitresses and waiters have to put up with a lot of bull****. I know that sounds extremely cliche, but seriously, and I like what I do for now but this poem will give
Post Secondary Waitress Syndrome (PSWS)
Good afternoon
How are we doing today?
I like my coffee hot
Bring us rolls right away.
(skip the intro)
Were you interested in dessert today?
I just want to be left alone
As I fade.
(drop the check)
That dish is served with broccoli.
"No it's not"
On the menu, clear as day .
I want extra butter, napkins, and rolls.
Tartar sauce, ranch, and coleslaw.
Don't over cook my steak because I will
send it back.
(Haven't taken the order yet)
Make sure you don't put seasoning on my broccoli,
and I want my plate piping hot,
does this bartender know how to make a martini?
If so i'll try it out.
(hence the name bar-tender)
I just want shrimp.
Where is the shrimp?
Why can't I just get fried shrimp?
I don't want the tails on.
I want extra drawn butter and
sour cream.
Mine doesn't look like hers
Can I get a new one.
(different dishes)
So it's time to write back
valid customer of ours.
We do get busy,
it's not like we took a trip to mars.
I am sorry for asking how your day is going
and filling your water, making you salads,
and delivering your food,
If I annoy you I am sorry, but that's just what I do.
You really can hurt sometimes
cutting us off and treating us as fools.
Some of you are really nice
and make our days go smooth.
After the hard work we go through
just to get you to enjoy yourselves
10% is not enough
our tips our what pay our bills.
Your anger from work or home
doesn't concern us
we are here to serve you a meal
and make sure you are comfortable.
Don't blame your sad problems on us
we have too much work to do
using us as punching bags
it's stuck in out memories for good.
Like PTSD from a war
we get hurt mentally in all the same ways
when something goes wrong
it blasts like a bomb
ruining the rest of our day (and year).
Sweat rolling down our face.
Just remember how you treat us,
we will always " be" happy.
But when you get mean and aggressive
our hope, ethic, and happiness
is distracted and unsettling.
We appreciate your business
and all you have to offer.
Just show us human decency
and nothing will ever falter.